Mid Anglia Group, Richard III Society

Archive for the month “February, 2019”

Coming up soon …

John’s second posthumous book …


Here is the front cover of the next book, about Edward IV’s chief mistress, from Britain’s busiest historian , to be published by Pen and Sword on 31 July. I wonder which surprises he will have for us this time?

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Of course, nobody ever married in secret …

Remembering …

this interview exactly six years ago, on Radio 4’s “Today”, between Evan Davis and John

Ricardian Bulletin articles available online

 The Richard III Society

Promoting research into the life and times of Richard III since 1924
Patron: HRH The Duke of Gloucester KG GCVO
Bringing you the latest important news and events about Richard III.

society head

Dear Members,

The Ricardian Bulletin, the Society’s quarterly members’ magazine, publishes a number of historical articles in each issue. These are invariably of high quality, often reflecting fresh research into, or new interpretations of, fifteenth century history as it relates to Richard III and his life and times. To enable these articles to reach a wider readership we are making a selection available on the Society’s website.

Too often the narrative of King Richard’s life is dominated by questions over how he became king and the fate of the two sons of Edward IV. The selection made available seeks to redress this imbalance and highlight some of the positive and less well known aspects of the king’s life: his strong belief in personal loyalty, his commitment to the fair application of the law, his abilities as an administrator and military commander and his religious faith. We also explore the influence of his father, Richard duke of York and the visit of Nicolas von Popplau to the king’s court in 1484.

Articles currently available are:
Richard III and the Men who Died in Battle by the late Lesley Boatwright, the late Moira Habberjam and Peter Hammond.
Like father, like son: Richard, duke of York and Richard III by Matthew Lewis.
Richard III and St Ninian by Sandra Pendlington
Richard III and ‘our poor subject Katherine Bassingbourne  by David Johnson
Richard III and Scotland by David Santiuste
The loveliest music and the Turkish frontier itself: von Popplau’s day with King Richard by Marie Barnfield

Over time we will be adding further articles from the Bulletin’s archive to the Society’s website.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2019.
Executive Committee
Richard III Society

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