Mid Anglia Group, Richard III Society

Archive for the month “August, 2015”

Dominic’s Armour Fund

This has alreadybeen emailed to members, but please checkout Dom;a Facebook page for more information,progress reports and photographs.

Dominic’s Armour Appeal

First of all thank you to everyone who has contributed to the appeal so far and for your kind notes of support which I will pass on to Dominic.

So far the appeal has raised £2200. With the money Dominic collected before the appeal, we have £3700 in total. We now have enough to buy the helmet but still need the vambraces for the elbows, the gauntlets and the essential pauldrons for his shoulders. However the armourer will only begin work when we can order all the pieces.

Dominic is our living link to Richard the warrior king and we are learning so much about how Richard managed his scoliosis. One thing that has become obvious is that the armour must be properly fitted. Dominic was given some armour by Channel 4 but borrows the rest. He is finding that the poorly fitting pieces are causing pain.

Can you help with the appeal?
We need 850 members to give £10 each to reach our target.

How to pay
By cheque: Addressed to Dr Sandra Pendlington, Elstree, Back of the Hill, Annan, Dumfriesshire, DG12 6SB, Scotland – please put Dominic’s armour on the back of your cheque.
By paypal: on Dominic’s Armour Fund Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/The DominicSmeeArmourFund and please mention that you are a member of the Richard III Society

With very best wishes

Sandra Pendlington

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