Mid Anglia Group, Richard III Society

Archive for the month “December, 2021”

December 2021 Newsletter

Here it is. Please read the sign on the door carefully!

Preparing for 2022

After an interesting 2021, we held our AGM by Zoom on Sunday and arranged the following events:



  1. Marie Barnfield speaks about Miles Metcalfe online on 23rd January.
  2. Joanne Larner speaks about scoliosis on 5th March.
  3. We will watch the Benedictine monks and (hopefully) Dr. Rowan Williams at St. Edmundsbury Cathedral on 14th or 15th May.
  4. We shall visit Maldon, including the Thomas Plume Library, the Rose & Crown and the Moot Hall, during July.
  5. We shall visit Coggeshall, to view some of the older houses, during September.
  6. We shall visit Orford Castle during November, hopefully followed by an AGM in Woodbridge.

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