Mid Anglia Group, Richard III Society

Archive for the month “December, 2022”

MacCullogh on Cromwell


Last Monday, BBC repeated Sir Diarmaid MacCullogh‘s excellent documentary Henry VIII’s Enforcer: The Rise and Fall of Thomas Cromwell, from 2013. Please watch it soon as you can it is only available until mid-January. Actually, excellent is rather an understatement as it is better than others you may see.

In telling Cromwell‘s story from “the sort of pub you don’t go to twice” in Putney to his sudden arrest and beheading, possibly bodged, eighteen days later, McCullogh visited many of the (mostly) East Anglian sites associated with his life: Wolsey‘s statue in Ipswich, Ipswich School (which he helped Wolsey to establish), what is now Wolsey’s Gate, Christ Church College in Oxford (originally Cardinal College), Thetford Priory (which he dissolved, having the late Mowbray and early Howard Dukes of Norfolk disinterred) and St. Michael’s Framlingham (where they were reburied). His insight, as the son of the Rector…

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Orford Castle (again)

Image: English Heritage

We now have a revised date for our visit to Henry II’s castle by the coast – his response to the Bigod construction at Framlingham. The Group will start our 2023 programme by going on the morning of Saturday 18th February, meeting at Melton station. Thanks to Ben.

December 2022 Newsletter

Here it is …

Planning for 2023

This month, we shall hold our AGM online again. Among the proposed visits are:
1) Orford Castle, sadly delayed this year by the castle re-opening late after construction work.
2) Norwich Carmelite Friary, to comemmorate Lady Eleanor Talbot, Richard’s sister-in-law,
3) Waltham Abbey, to remember Harold II who is likely to be buried there.

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